Trust Centre : Our Terms of Business, Policies and Procedures
Equalities Statement
Our Code of Principles : These define the fundamental ethical and professional standards that we abide to. Our goal to provide a trusted funeral directors, undertakers and services, and trust is at the centre of everything we do. Our values, policies and processes are designed to be transparent, clear, to protect you and your rights; creating a safe place for you to plan a funeral and in return, we can deliver an impeccable service. Our governance ensures our compliance and quality assurance, so we regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure we are innovative in our practices and continuous in improving our standards of quality.
Our Code of Principles
Need more information?
We aim to reply to enquiries within 48 hrs of receipt. If you have any urgent requests please call on the number below.
3 Blenheim Road,
TA24 5PY
(currently by appointment only)
Equalities & Diversity Statement
We will comply with requirements set out in legislation including the Equality Act 2010.
We will encourage equality of opportunity and respect for diversity and preventing unlawful discrimination in our relationship with our clients and of others. It is not intended to cover situations between employer and employees (this will fall under our staffing policies and procedures).
This policy interlinks with our Code of Ethics Policy and our Complaints Handling Policy.
Equality and Diversity requirements apply in relation to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Policy Principles
At Amanda-Louise Funeral Services, we want everyone to feel safe, welcome and valued. We aim to support the diversity of the community we serve as funeral directors. We have experience in arranging occasions for a diverse cross section of the community honouring cultures and traditions. We do whatever we can to ensure everyone is comfortable and that all conversations are treated with absolute confidentiality; unless there is a safeguarding risk. Please be assured that this same respect will be extended to your loved one in making the arrangements for their funeral and honouring their wishes.
Our ethos embraces we are all different – that’s what makes a person unique and valued.
We will not discriminate (indirectly, directly orby association) on the grounds of race, gender, gender reassignment, marital or partnership status, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, HIV status, disability (including sensory and physical disabilities, learning disabilities, neurobiological difference and mental health status).
We embrace and welcome the diversity of our community and work to honour everyone’s right to live life as a unique human being.
We provide services to clients in a way that respects diversity, and aim to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled clients, employees, suppliers, and members of public are not placed at a substantial disadvantage when accessing our services. For example we have ramps to allow wheelchairs into our funeral home, to offer to meet in other venues that are more accessible and comfortable to our clients, we can look to interpretation services if English if not the first language, and when communicating we make no judgement, harassment or bullying and to communicate using plain English and be transparent in all that we do.
Any breaches to this policy then this needs to be reported to Amanda-Louise Knight to be investigated.
This policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.
Policy Updated - June 2024
Next Policy Review - June 2025
Policy Owner - Amanda-Louise Knight
Policy Reviewer - Amanda-Louise Knight
Our emotional wellbeing, support and grief counseling can give you the help and counselling you need to deal with the loss of loved one. Our focus is on helping you every step of the way providing wrap around care before, during and after the funeral.
We offer emotional support & grief counseling as part of our service