Trust Centre : Our Terms of Business, Policies and Procedures
Donations Policy
Our Code of Principles : These define the fundamental ethical and professional standards that we abide to. Our goal to provide a trusted funeral directors, undertakers and services, and trust is at the centre of everything we do. Our values, policies and processes are designed to be transparent, clear, to protect you and your rights; creating a safe place for you to plan a funeral and in return, we can deliver an impeccable service. Our governance ensures our compliance and quality assurance, so we regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure we are innovative in our practices and continuous in improving our standards of quality.
Our Code of Principles
Need more information?
We aim to reply to enquiries within 48 hrs of receipt. If you have any urgent requests please call on the number below.
3 Blenheim Road,
TA24 5PY
(currently by appointment only)
Donations Policy
This applies to donations given from members of the public in memory of a person who has died, where we have collected those monies and to pass them onto the family’s chosen charity or good cause.
To demonstrate that monies are safe and are used for the intended purposes, and no fraudulent behaviour is carried out.
This policy interlinks with our Complaints Handling Policy.
To demonstrate the guiding principles to show how we collate and dispose of charitable donations.
Policy Principles
Donations are received and disseminated by us in the following ways:
- Paid direct to the family
- Put into a donation box at the funeral
- Paid direct to the family chosen charity or charities
- Paid direct to our charity we partner with at Carma Earth if they wish to plant a tree in memory
We collect monies at a funeral should mourners want to place cash or cheques into our collection box All monies received into our office will be given a receipt. We show evidence to the bereaved family of such monies coming in and going out. All monies held by us, we aim will be dispersed within 1 month of receipt. All monies are not held in our business bank account, but in a separate donations events account to demonstrate these monies are not our own.
We inform all charities who the monies are in memory of, and ask that they send us a receipt in the name of the deceased to our registered postal address or office email. We do not give out names of addresses of our families. Should families wish to plant a tree in memory, we offer to do this via Carma Earth at £5 per tree.
Any breaches to this policy then this needs to be reported to Amanda-Louise Knight to be investigated. This policy will be monitoredand reviewed annually.
Policy Updated - June 2024
Next Policy Review - June 2025
Policy Owner - Amanda-Louise Knight
Policy Reviewer - Amanda-Louise Knight
Our emotional wellbeing, support and grief counseling can give you the help and counselling you need to deal with the loss of loved one. Our focus is on helping you every step of the way providing wrap around care before, during and after the funeral.
We offer emotional support & grief counseling as part of our service