Amanda-Louise Funeral Directors based in Minehead, Somerset.

Compare Funeral Pricing - our overview of choices

When you’re in the early stages of planning a funeral, transparency and clarity is paramount. We can explain the price of cremation, the difference between natural and traditional burial, and the many types of coffins available in detail; in the meantime this provides you with a snapshot to compare. Our unattended funerals start at just £1395 and our attended early morning funerals start at £2950 both giving you value with quality. As we believe that no two funerals are the same, each is as unique as the person they’re commemorating. We've carefully put together some other popular "packages" for a variety of budgets and needs, as well as opportunity of curating a funeral from scratch for those who want something different starting at £1300. Ask us for your personal quotation - we aim to be as competitive as we can.

Compare Our Funeral
Prices At A Glance

Listed below, as well as a an explanation of our fees, are overview funeral costs of a cremation and burial service to guide you. However if you want something much simpler or full event management we can price according to your needs.

Pure Cremation - Ashes Only

Pure Cremation - Ashes Only

The simplest option low key option, we take the pressures off your shoulders by organising the cremation and you can arrange your own separate remembrance gathering of family and friends when the time is right for you.
£1395 available at Sedgemoor Crematorium

This essentials only choice involves a pure cremation - at a date, time and typically location chosen by us. This is the most affordable funeral that we provide, so it doesnt provide time spent with family or friends with coffin in our chapel of rest or any family or friends present at the crematorium.

Traditional Gold Funeral Package

Traditional Gold Complete Funeral Package

A complete and comprehensive funeral package that includes everything you may want from a traditional funeral of cremation or burial.
From £4445 all inclusive for cremation funeral or from £3435 for burial funeral plus burial costs

A traditional cremation or burial funeral with its classical etiquette is a popular choice for those searching for a comprehensive plan. Includes our full and flexible support, longer time in our care and as many opportunities as you need to spend time with your loved one, a real wood veneered coffin with luxury lining or wicker coffin, our hearse, 4 bearers, celebrant/minister costs, coffin spray, 50 premium orders of service, and cremation chapel and cremation fees, plus opportunity to have personal touches.

(cremation breakdown: funeral director fees £2210 + coffin value £720 + third party disbursements £1515)

Traditional Silver Funeral Package

Traditional Silver Funeral Package

A classic funeral plan for a cremation or burial
From £3800 all inclusive for cremation, burial from £2790 plus burial fees

A traditional funeral with classic etiquette of hearse, our 4 professional bearers, real wood veneered coffin, use of our wreath, 30 simple orders of service programmes, celebrant/minister fees, cremation chapel and cremation costs. For burial add on burial associated fees.

(cremation breakdown: funeral director fees £2070 + coffin value £500 + third party disbursements £1230)

Your Personal Choice Funeral Plan

Bespoke Funeral (Cremation or Burial)

Our signature plan of bespoke attended funerals with no restrictions on funeral or ceremony, with the full and flexible support of Amanda-louise funeral director and team
From £1350 (our funeral director fees + choices/costs)

Our bespoke choice enables you to curate a funeral from scratch. We've added our professional service fees, so you now add on what you want and need to personalise your funeral.

Minehead Funeral Package

Minehead Funeral Package

A Celebration of Life Funeral Ceremony in our Minehead funeral home exclusive use for up to 30 family and friends with unattended cremation funeral.
From £2550 all inclusive

Opportunity to have a local funeral gathering in our beautiful funeral home for up to 30 people, to include superior wood effect coffin, professional celebrant and cremation fees. Abilty to upgrade to include food, drink, webcasting for example.

Woodland Natural Burial Package

Woodland Natural Burial Package

An environmentally friendly countryside funeral alternative to traditional burials and cremation, for those looking to leave little impact on our planet, plus enables you to offset some of the carbon footprint of this funeral.
Ask us for a price

A greener funeral with natural coffin and buried at a natural burial woodland site. Includes our professional services, wicker coffin, hearse, bearers and 2 trees planted in memory by our charity.

Direct Funeral Package

Direct Funeral Package

A direct cremation funeral package offering cremation with flexibility for family and friends
From £1495 (includes all funeral costs and cremation fee) or +£350 for attended direct of up to 8 family members accompanying coffin

Our direct funeral package provides a cremation only, with opportunity to spend time with your loved one in our chapel of rest and change of clothing if required,.

Option up to 8 family members can accompany us into the chapel of the crematorium - surcharge £350

Traditional Bronze Funeral Package

Simple Funeral Package

This simple yet dignified farewell aims to help people wanting to keep the price in check but still have a meaningful service and cremation, without some of the traditional elements held only during early morning
From £2950 all inclusive

Opportunity for up to 20 family and friends to attend Sedgemoor Crematorium to have a funeral service officiated by our funeral director (or a member of your family) during early morning. Includes our professional fees and crematorium chapel and cremation fee

Our emotional wellbeing, support and grief counseling can give you the help and counselling you need to deal with the loss of loved one. Our focus is on helping you every step of the way providing wrap around care before, during and after the funeral.

Emotional support & councilling

We offer emotional support & grief counseling as part of our service