Funeral Memorial Stationery Keepsakes

We know the little touches mean so much, so we can design just for you a complete range of stationery products in memory and honour of your loved one. These will be custom designed for you (our photo is just a sample) and are available in:-

A4 quality magnetic memory box to keep everything inside that is precious to keep safe

Condolence Book - ideal to have on your condolence table at the funeral reception wake for family and friends to write messages inside

Attendance Cards - hand out to those attending the funeral to write their names and messages, then a handy reminder who attended so you can send them a thank you note

Book Marks - a beautiful gift to give to family and friends attending the funeral as a keepsake

Wallet Sized Cards - another idea to give to friends and family as a keepsake

Orders of Service Booklet - our quality produced booklets are designed by our external designer partners, ensuring all of the range is produced just to your needs


*All pricing quoted is subject to change without notification
Please speak to us about price
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