Amanda-Louise Funeral Services- Your Lady Independent Funeral Directors

Anthony Lewis Tilley Vyner (Tony)

Anthony Lewis Tilley Vyner (Tony) of Hemp Garden, Minehead died peacefully at St Margarets Hospice Taunton on 1st February 2025. A funeral has been arranged for Thursday 20th February at 12noon at Amanda-Louise Funeral Home followed by light refreshments - if you wish to watch the service remotely please click below for the link. Rest in peace Anthony, you are much loved and missed by your wife, family and friends.

Anthony Lewis Tilley Vyner (Tony)

Funeral Date

February 20, 2025 12:00 PM

Amanda-Louise Funeral Home, 3 Blenheim Road, Minehead, TA24 5PY If you cannot be present, but would like to watch the service live, you will need to have internet and can view the service from the following link:-

Committal Date

A private cremation will take place following the service

Anthony Lewis Tilley Vyner (Tony) of Hemp Garden, Minehead died peacefully at St Margarets Hospice Taunton on 1st February 2025. A funeral has been arranged for Thursday 20th February at 12noon at Amanda-Louise Funeral Home followed by light refreshments - if you wish to watch the service remotely please click below for the link. Rest in peace Anthony, you are much loved and missed by your wife, family and friends.

Donation Details

Donations in lieu of flowers please.

Amanda-Louise Funeral Director Services will collect monies on the day of the funeral in memory of Anthony; the monies going to St Margarets Hospice. If anyone wants to donate after the funeral, then they are to contact Amanda-Louise Funeral Directors, 3 Blenheim Road, Minehead, TA24 5PY Telephone 01643 800335. There are other ways to donate:-

1.PaymentMethods – Bank transfer


Name  of Account

Amanda-Louise  Funeral Services

Business  Bank Details

Nat  West

Account  Number


Sort  Code



2.PaymentMethods – Cash (if you come into our funeral home)



At the  funeral, we will have a collection box


3.PaymentMethods – Cheque



You can post  your cheque made payable to the Charity to our Funeral Home to Amanda-Louise  Funeral Directors, 3 Blenheim Road, Minehead, TA24 5PY.


4.Payment Methods – Debit or Credit card


Debit  Card in our funeral home


Debit  Card (over phone)


Credit  Card in our funeral home


Credit  Card (over phone)



Please note wehave to deduct a surcharge if you use debit o credit card, which will bededucted from the total amount of your donations (options 1-3 have no charges)

Flower Tributes

Family wreath only; otherwise donation to chosen charity in lieu of flowers please

Wake Details

Light refreshments will be served immediately following the Celebration of Tony's Life at Amanda-Louise Funeral Home

Funeral Director Contact Details

Our emotional wellbeing, support and grief counseling can give you the help and counselling you need to deal with the loss of loved one. Our focus is on helping you every step of the way providing wrap around care before, during and after the funeral.

Emotional support & councilling

We offer emotional support & grief counseling as part of our service